increase in inflation

美 [ɪnˈkriːs ɪn ɪnˈfleɪʃn]英 [ɪnˈkriːs ɪn ɪnˈfleɪʃn]
  • 通货膨胀率的增长
increase in inflationincrease in inflation
  1. They blamed the rise in oil prices for the big increase in inflation .


  2. They raised their prices in anticipation of an increase in inflation .


  3. A rise in interest rates is often contemporaneous with an increase in inflation ; the composer Salieri was contemporary with mozart .


  4. This is because the increase in inflation has been mostly driven by food , as a result of supply shocks , rather than caused by excess aggregate demand .


  5. An increase in inflation by an extra 2 percentage points for a period of five years would have many benefits – for governments , companies , households and the banking system .


  6. To achieve the desired increase in inflation , the US Federal Reserve should either announce an inflation target or simply keep interest rates at zero when the recovery begins .


  7. Looking back to the recent cycle in inflation , it is clear that developments in unit labour costs had a significant role , both in contributing to the increase in inflation and then to its decline .


  8. Gold 's importance as an investment vehicle has been elevated by the economic crisis and Mr Steel says concerns that ultra-accommodative monetary policies and massively increased government deficits will eventually trigger an increase in inflation have prompted an increase in demand for bullion .


  9. It would never accept an increase in the inflation target .


  10. The increase in the inflation level implies that wages are rising too fast .


  11. But further monetary tightening may eventually be needed if domestic demand growth or other factors lead to an increase in underlying inflation pressures .


  12. Bond markets would probably react to an increase in the inflation target by driving up market interest rates to levels that would make meeting it impossible .


  13. This move , Hoenig said ( in a paraphrase by the Federal Reserve )," over time would cause an increase in long-term inflation expectations that could destabilize the economy . "


  14. Objective To determine whether endobronchial intubation ( EBI ) always causes an immediate increase in peak inflation pressure ( PIP ) and to meassure the magnitude of the increase .


  15. In that regard , an increase in the target inflation rate would tend to undermine the rationale for central bank independence .


  16. This means that overall rent levels may lag far behind current market rents when there is a sudden increase in demand or inflation , but they still rise gradually to new higher levels .


  17. The economists predicted an increase in the rate of inflation .


  18. Any increase in the rate of inflation could have a serious effect on levels of unemployment .


  19. In this era of dramatic increase in money supply , inflation in China has not grabbed the tail .


  20. Almost half of employers expect no change , a further quarter plan to offer an increase merely in line with inflation , and another fifth are unable to say what they will do because of the economic uncertainty .
